

Too Many Swedish Gifts? Spring Clean like the Swedes

Too Many Swedish Gifts? Spring Clean like the Swedes

Posted by Kathi Forsberg on Apr 12th 2023

We know you love your Swedish gifts — at Scandinavian Shoppe we sure love all of our Scandinavian products. But we also know which Swedish gifts carry a rich history and which are gifts that we don’t … read more
Embracing Winter in Scandinavia

Embracing Winter in Scandinavia

Posted by Gordie Forsberg on Feb 14th 2023

January and February are the coldest months for Scandinavian countries. While it’s not always as cold as certain stereotypes imply, the days do get shorter and darker, which also happens in many other … read more

Find The Perfect Scandinavian Gift For Your Loved One

Posted by Kathi Forsberg on Nov 20th 2020

It might be a little too early to discuss purchasing the best presents for your loved ones, but when the cold begins to make its way through the cracks of your home, it’s time to start counting the da … read more
Developing Your Own Minimalist Mindset

Developing Your Own Minimalist Mindset

Posted by Kathi Forsberg on Apr 8th 2020

Right now, a majority of the world is spending more time inside and more time alone than usual. But approaching this time with a minimalist mindset can help you find value in the otherwise mundane a … read more